- The launcher title image is fixed.
- There is now a basic splash screen logo.
- Changed font on start menu title image to be consistent.
- Walk toggle for keyboard is now added for the "left Control" key. Can be changed in the launcher.
- Fixed a bug where PoorChan would use the walk animation instead of the run animation when moving sideways, or backwards in relation to the camera.
- BGHouses now have different colours.
- Added the ability to un/lock the cursor with the keyboard using left alt. This can be changed in the launcher
- Changed default eye colour.
- Re-enabled the collider for one of the shelfs in the prologue bedroom.
- Added and implemented time period Icons to the UI.
Saturday, 2 December 2017
Quick Update feedback changes
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Poor Chan Prologue Alpha 0.3.6 Release!
*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's been done:
I've finished up the prologue house, and filled the bedroom with misc custom made furniture. The exterior of the house has also been finished and textured. This is used as a background prop for the park. I've also added some stuff to make the park better to look at. New TPS camera and some background changes. Other than that nothing much has changed mechanically since the last update, had to axe those additions for now sadly.
- Prologue house has a proper mesh for its interior now.
- Prologue house has multiple new custom furniture.
- Park has some vegetation now.
- Park has a new custom BgHouse created for filling the background.
- The game now tracks if you've seen the customization tutorial.
- TPS camera has changed so you can look around without turning. The character will move in regards to camera facing. You can also adjust zoom with the scroll wheel. This is a very glitchy cam for now, my proper cam code shat itself. please ignore, stutter, no smoothing, clipping, other oddities.
Those that I've mentioned before under this heading, is still relevant. I still got to finish the outside school model, but I'm more inclined to do some gameplay stuff now. Dealing with the bloat is also on the TODO list.
Side News:
Due to changes in Patreons Policies I will now have to make any post containing nudity or the like into patreons only posts. This is supposedly part of users "opting in" to see those images. I personally find it a somewhat absurd requirement given that the page itself is set under the adult content category. Either way, those posts will be crossposted to the blog.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Saturday, 12 August 2017
Quick Update Models
So for this week I've been working on some 3d models. I didn't really get any long periods of free time during this week, so I'm sorry if my focus seems a bit scatterbrained. I tried make the best of the situation and worked on some simple 3d models, like the school exterior pictured above.
Sunday, 6 August 2017
Poor Chan Prologue Alpha 0.3.5 Release!
*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's been done: The classroom model is now so to speak finished and implemented into the game as a new area you can visit through the park gate. Together with this the foundation for attending classes is now in the game, currently it only advances time and is counted as one big study session. Later this will be divided into smaller segments allowing you to do other things while waiting for the next class. I was thinking of something like the AA2s interaction system with other students.
- Now shows time as "Day # Monday XX:XX". I'm going to add some basic sun/moon icons to easily identify each "period" soon.
- A lot of feedback related changes previously mentioned in the 24.june quick update.
- The classroom map has been added.
- Moved the handjob scene a bit to the side so it makes sense with the sofa.
- The game now keeps track of days.
- The Sleeping tent now advances time to the next day 06:30. I plan for the player to have more control over this later down the line.
- Travelling between the park and the school takes 30 minutes.
- Studying at the school advances the time to 16:00. It also checks if you're late to class, which currently doesn't do much more.
- Added a Debug tool to increase your money.
- Screenshot functionality by pressing F12. It's currently saved in the Data folder.
- As mentioned earlier you can now name your character.
What I want out of this release is mainly any feedback in regards to the classroom's performance. If it runs "fine" or good then I'd like to know of that too. Going the extra mile would be to include average FPS, GFX card and CPU to further my understanding.
Sunday, 16 July 2017
Quick Update Rooms
I've been working on more maps and models to throw into the game. First map to drop is most likely the classroom, but that isn't the only one I've been working on. The classroom specifically will be a nice addition for when I plan for events. Most of your school activity can be confined to the classroom, which is useful for these early stages when the alternative would have been a large empty and primitive school building. That doesn't mean I don't plan on making the rest of the school. I think adding this to the game will be good for establishing a proper rhythm to follow for the gameplay.
In other news, I played a bit of lightning returns, I can guarantee the time system won't be like that game.
Saturday, 24 June 2017
Quick Update Small Feedback Changes
So I've been pretty busy this week, so I decided to use the little time I had to do some quick and easy changes based on the feedback recieved.
- You can now enter a name for the character in the customization screen.
- I've added camera movement to the customization screen.
- I've removed file extensions from the names of custom textures.
- I've added a popup error message if you are trying to use other filetypes than bmp, jpg, jpeg, png for the custom textures.
- I've added a screenshot function to the game with a proper timestamp name.
- I fixed the titlecard aliasing.
- I've added a "skip to park" button with a nice icon for the start screen.
Friday, 16 June 2017
Poor Chan Prologue Alpha 0.3 Release!
Windows 64bit: MEGA (Runs better, older computers can't run it)
Windows 32bit: MEGA (For older computers)
Mac OS: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
Linux: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's Been done:
A lot of backend, UI, GameLogic and acting on some of the feedback. A few of the changes have been mentioned before in the "Quick Updates" so I'll try to be brief on those. I haven't done anything special to the Life/Energy UI yet, since the logic is still very WIP.
These will also be explained in game.
- Improved movement (Sprinting, crawling and speeds that change if you are low on energy or life.)
- Life, Energy, Time, Money have all been added to the game, which will be resources for the player to use.
- A basic Meal system, accompanied by functioning snack/drinkmachines.
- Sleeping, which is still WIP.
- Has been improved and upgraded to a newer system.
- Some artwork have been added to make it look prettier.
- Added UI for the new gameplay elements.
- Added lighting and reflection to the prologue.
- Fixed some performance dips.
- Acted on some feedback.
- A lot of minor tweaks here and there.
- Replaced some of the primitives for some actual assets.
- I have been wrestling with Humanoid mecanim, it keeps fucking with my animations, as such the animations in game does not fully represent the original quality.
- You might loose some frames when walking if you sweet spot the camera towards a wall making it spazz, I'll figure out a better way to adjust the camera away from walls in the future.
- The clothes will most likely go through itself or the body slightly, I tried to clean out most of them.
There's a lot that I can start doing like keep working on the current gameplay mechanics and UI to accompany it, or maybe add some AI, or redo the character rig to fix the above issues. Point is, there's a lot to do so I'm not really sure which I'll focus on yet. I'm also getting a bit tired of using placeholder animations, would love to make a staggering walk etc.
Monday, 29 May 2017
Quick Update Gameplay
In summary I've added some of the base UI and logic for upcoming gameplay additions and tweaked and improved movement. I will be rather busy this week, so I won't be able to do much work on this for the coming weekend.
- Added life bar
- Added energy bar
- Added meals counter
- Added time counter
- Added money counter
- Added crouching
- Added crawling
- Crouching and crawling animation speeds changes with joystick.
- Added Sprinting
- Removed occational spike lag caused by movement script.
- You will lose energy from sprinting over time.
- You will also lose LifePoints in conjunction with Energy losses when Energy starts dipping into the negative numbers.
- Time will be properly shown. It will only advance after certain actions. In the future traveling between maps will consume time, so the player is incentivized to go through creepy back alley shortcuts.
- You can rest by crouching or crawling then pressing R, this advances time in intervals of 10 minutes every 3 seconds while recovering 1 energy on each of those intervals.
- Money will be shown and accounted.
- Able to get meals from snack machines by trading money.
- Make the player fall unconscious, move slower etc when life or energy is low enough.
- Add Sleeping.
- Add energy drinks. Drinks that give a temporary buff that recovers 1 point of energy, but at the end of the duration you lose 2.
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Quick Update Beautifying the UI
Video link:
I've finally completely upgraded from the legacy UI to the improved UI. In other words this was also a week spent on the back end. In other words I don't think a release build would serve much purpose, but I still wanted something to show, so I spent some time creating art for the UI. It was quite enjoyable working on something less technical for a bit. Also I suppose it will help with first impressions. I'm planning on focusing my attention towards establishing a basic gameplay loop the coming week.
Added/altered some menu graphics:
Main menu:
- Start game Icon
- Customize Icon
- Patreon Icon
- Blog Icon
- Quit Icon
- Restart Icon
- Added the Title Card (currently clashes with the other design.)
- Return Icon
- Modding Tutorial cleanup
- Resized The colour pickers.
- Text now looks a bit better with strokes.
- Finished converting everything from the legacy UI to the new system.
- Reworked the way some of the poses work.
- Tweaked some of the shaders again.
Friday, 12 May 2017
Quick Update UI
I've focused mostly on the back end side of things these weeks. I've also been somewhat busy, hence the slower pace. These are some of the things I've been working on with the game:
- Upgrading the legacy UI to the newer Unity UI (Improves performance).
- Improved the custom texture window to support unlimited textures with a scrolling function.
- Colour Picker now updates on the fly with hair and skin colours. (Thanks to the new UI performance boost)
- Colour Picker differentiates between eyes, hair and skin selections. This means that if you change from your blue hair to your green eyes then the picker will be green. (Based on feedback)
- Changed colour presets to fit common colours used for each object. (Based on feedback)
Saturday, 29 April 2017
Poor Chan Prologue Alpha 0.2 Release!
Windows 64bit: MEGA (Runs better, older computers can't run it)
Windows 32bit: MEGA (For older computers)
Mac OS: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
Linux: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's been done:
-Improved on the customization
-You can now add your own textures to use for the eyes (BMP, JPG, PNG).
This is compatible with eye textures from artificial academy 2. ;)
You are able to select different textures for each eye, left/right.
-Added a proper color wheel, no more randomly clicking a button.
-You are also able to select different colors for each eye, or hair parts.
-Added regular dialogue (finishes up basic prologue storyline).
-The player character will use different animations at different parts of the dialogue.
-There is a choice in this dialogue (the latter choice is intended to have an effect in future builds.)
-Added A H-Scene.
-There are more animations in this scene than the first one added.
-Created a dick just for this.
Currently Playable:
-The entire basis for the prologue
-Some improved customization (not final)
-2nd H-scene with proper camera conrtols.
-Most of the story for the prologue.
-Basic movement.
Known Issuses:
-Specularity has not been set properly, which is why the excess shinyness.
-I have been wrestling with Humanoid mecanim, it keeps fucking with my animations, as such the animations in game does not fully represent the original quality.
-You might loose some frames when walking if you sweet spot the camera towards a wall making it spazz, I'll figure out a better way to adjust the camera away from walls in the future.
-The clothes will most likely go through itself or the body slightly, I tried to clean out most of them.
-The dialogue pose animations do not change quickly enough.
-I'm a bit torn on what to do next. On one hand I achieved my goal of creating a basic prologue to introduce the story and some of the potential aspects of the game. This was so that I would have the oppurtunity to start on the main game (continuation with more gameplay focus). On the other hand I was thinking about polishing/finishing the prologue a bit more up so that it is more presentable.
Saturday, 15 April 2017
Poor Chan Prologue Alpha 0.1 Release
Windows 64bit: MEGA (Runs better, older computers can't run it)
Windows 32bit: MEGA (For older computers)
Mac OS: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
Linux: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's been done:
-Finished up the simple prologue house and it's rooms. I hope to replace it with proper models later, but that isn't going to be in quite a while.
-As mentioned in the last update I finished some clothing for PoorChan.
-Sweatervest, tie, shirt, bra, panties, shoes and a skirt with PHYSICS!
-Fiddled around with shaders, it's the one thing I actually have had no experience in the past working with.
-Created some basic framework for how the prologue logic is going to be.
-Added 3-4 H-animations for the first H-event.
-Added spinny camera controls for H-event, that lets you pan up/down, zoom, rotate.
-Remodeled Poorchan's legs and tweaked the rig to avoid self penetration.
-Created a normalmap for her vest.
-Fixed up some UVs So that I can create textures for the clothes later.
Windows 32bit: MEGA (For older computers)
Mac OS: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
Linux: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's been done:
-Finished up the simple prologue house and it's rooms. I hope to replace it with proper models later, but that isn't going to be in quite a while.
-As mentioned in the last update I finished some clothing for PoorChan.
-Sweatervest, tie, shirt, bra, panties, shoes and a skirt with PHYSICS!
-Fiddled around with shaders, it's the one thing I actually have had no experience in the past working with.
-Created some basic framework for how the prologue logic is going to be.
-Added 3-4 H-animations for the first H-event.
-Added spinny camera controls for H-event, that lets you pan up/down, zoom, rotate.
-Remodeled Poorchan's legs and tweaked the rig to avoid self penetration.
-Created a normalmap for her vest.
-Fixed up some UVs So that I can create textures for the clothes later.
Currently playable:
-Start menu with basic color customization.
-Very first event for the prologue, including 3-4 new H-animations & new camera controls.
-Basic animated movement around the house
-Start menu with basic color customization.
-Very first event for the prologue, including 3-4 new H-animations & new camera controls.
-Basic animated movement around the house
Known Issues:
-Specularity has not been set properly, which is why the excess shinyness.
-The masturbation animation is slightly twisting the arm wrong.
-The skirt sometimes get stuck on the back during masturbation.(physics based)
-Unity is randomly fucking with my animation curves, even after baking. It didn't before so I'll check what I did differntly this time around.
-You might loose some frames when walking if you sweet spot the camera towards a wall making it spazz, I'll figure out a better way to adjust the camera away from walls in the future.
-The clothes will most likely go through itself or the body slightly, I tried to clean out most of them.
-The masturbation animation is slightly twisting the arm wrong.
-The skirt sometimes get stuck on the back during masturbation.(physics based)
-Unity is randomly fucking with my animation curves, even after baking. It didn't before so I'll check what I did differntly this time around.
-You might loose some frames when walking if you sweet spot the camera towards a wall making it spazz, I'll figure out a better way to adjust the camera away from walls in the future.
-The clothes will most likely go through itself or the body slightly, I tried to clean out most of them.
-1 New H-event with animations.
-Stringing both events into coherent story leading to the next area.
-I'm toying with the idea of giving more interactivity to the H-scenes, no promises.
-Oh and maybe allowing the player to type in PoorChan's name, since I'm still undecided on Rika as it was mostly just to get out of a writer's block that I picked it.
-Stringing both events into coherent story leading to the next area.
-I'm toying with the idea of giving more interactivity to the H-scenes, no promises.
-Oh and maybe allowing the player to type in PoorChan's name, since I'm still undecided on Rika as it was mostly just to get out of a writer's block that I picked it.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Quick Update on Work (No Build)
![]() |
Middle click for a larger image in a new tab. |
The uniform consist of a sweatervest, tie, shirt, bra, panties, and shoes. Currently there isn't too much detail to them, but you can expect more detail when I get around to create a normal map for them. But hey, I fine tuned some proper in-game skirt physics!
As for the house...
I'm currently focusing on creating a quick and simple house out of primitives, this is so that I can more quickly get to actually writing some events. Other than that it also allows me to work more on Poorchan's model and animations, as I believe people are more interested in that than the furniture.
Saturday, 1 April 2017
Poorchan Public Prototype build
In this build I will showcase the protagonist's 3D model (missing textures), some basic animations, movement and some customization. This is the first step on the road, let's make a great game together.
Windows 64bit
Windows 32bit
(64bit has better performance, but is not compatible with older windows computers. 32bit should work for any windows computer.)
Windows 64bit
Windows 32bit
(64bit has better performance, but is not compatible with older windows computers. 32bit should work for any windows computer.)
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