Friday, 12 May 2017

Quick Update UI

I've focused mostly on the back end side of things these weeks. I've also been somewhat busy, hence the slower pace. These are some of the things I've been working on with the game:
  • Upgrading the legacy UI to the newer Unity UI (Improves performance).
  • Improved the custom texture window to support unlimited textures with a scrolling function.
  • Colour Picker now updates on the fly with hair and skin colours. (Thanks to the new UI performance boost)
  • Colour Picker differentiates between eyes, hair and skin selections. This means that if you change from your blue hair to your green eyes then the picker will be green. (Based on feedback)
  • Changed colour presets to fit common colours used for each object. (Based on feedback)
Feedback has really helped me out, even while busy with other things. Ticking things off a todo list really helps efficiency. The next release will be a bit further off. I want to work a bit more on the back end before I move over to new content.


  1. More remarks;
    Post Schedule
    Seems you're sticking to a fortnightly post schedule which is great, though I imagine for patreon users they'd prefer a little more frequently, weekly perhaps. Also, while not necessary, in this post specifically you could have included a concept image of how you're planning to have the UI look or just a screenshot as proof of progress. Also you may as well add to blog sidebar "Updates fortnightly/weekly!" (assuming you're sure you can keep to the schedule).

    Summary - Fetishes
    Regarding the fetish section in summary pages (here on blog and patreon), I understand what you've done with it, but I still think you should also include an explicit list of fetishes("Fetishes Included: Female Masturbation, Futanari/Dick Growth, Humiliation, Urination..." etc). That way people can easily skim through it and it doubles as search data. I'd also suggest having two lists; 'included in current build' and 'planned for future'. Also you may want to mention how prominent the fetishes will be (As in how often it's found in scenes (It's always a shame to see something with an appealing fetish tag, just to find that it's only in one short scene)) and if they are avoidable (Some might not be interested in /d/ content, also can appease those wanting the ability to do a 'pure run').

    Summary - Modding
    Modability should probably be more prominent in summary, perhaps devote an entire section to it detailing how much player will actually be able to do in that regard. Since it's such a significant feature (which few game actually offer and the ones that do have/had a huge following (EG CustomGirl 3D)).

    Summary - Setting
    This is pretty bare at the moment, maybe consider including list of accessible locations (which also hints at possible fetishes/scenes) and a general idea of how large the level/levels will be? Is it an entire open city to explore, or is it limited to "zones" (Ex; school, home, mall, park, pool, night club, hotel)? Could also explain exactly how significant fantasy and scifi elements will be (For example is it; Monster disguised as humans everywhere raping people every night, an entire secret mages cult. Or is it much smaller scale; a few demons from another world in hiding. Is scifi high tech everywhere, or is their just one genius inventor who's making personal gadgets far ahead of their time).

    Summary Editing
    There's some typo's, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. "when it comes to create games", "currently in deveolopement". No offence but how'd any spelling mistakes even get through given that basically every browser and text editor (assuming you c&p'd it) has built in spell checkers now?

    "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters"... ok, double posting

  2. Gameplay - Survival
    You mentioned "survival", but what are your plans with that? Honestly I'm imagining a horrible generic survival system (hunger/energy, thirst/hydration bars), which is never fun (In 'Country Life Survival' [RJ174610] I added a set of cheat items that let me pause/resume/set time and freely change those "survival bar" values to avoid the annoyance). Or are you doing a simplified "safer" version where player just has to eat 2/3 times a day (Size/quality of meal has impact). If they fail to there's some negative status effect for the next day or if they eat a good amount there's a small buff effect?

    Gameplay - Time
    Related to above; but is time going to be a notable factor? How will time be handled; an actual clock, time periods (Ex Morning, Midday, Afternoon, Night) which advance by doing scenes? Will their be a day limit (X day's to graduation countdown)? Asking because when time/date has to big of an impact then well you get something like Dead Rising which definitely will not appeal to everyone (Yeah, sure, call me a scrub, but I don't like that scheduled mission system). If it's just that certain things can only be done during certain time or one weekends/holidays that's fine of coarse though (as long as it's obvious to the player).

    Sandbox Mode
    Are you planning a "free roam"/sandbox mode where player doesn't have to deal with the "survival" and time aspects (or has 100% control over them (EX freely change time of day/day of week))? Will it be unlocked by "story mode" completion (EX "you've completed the story now you're free to get those events you missed") or available from the beginning? Actually to go further, what about a "gallery mode" (can't think of a better term), basically like Custom Girl 3D where you can just trigger animations with different characters?

  3. Post Schedule:
    I'm trying to aim for a schedule where I post a release every other week, and a quick update in between those release weeks. Sadly that is erring on the more optimistic side of things, as I will have to spend time on oddjobs to put food the table. I could post more often and make the quick update just a summary kind of thing. Then again I'm inclined to wait a bit with that untill this get's more daily eyes on it. I will try to include an image if I feel it is relevant.

    I was actually planning on putting tags in () behind the flavor text. Toggles for certain fetishes seems like a good plan. I like pure runs myself as they are usually more challenging, so I'll keep it in mind when making events.

    Good idea, I feel like an idiot for not highlighting that.

    Good catch. I intend to zone the map up to keep things simple for now. I will be detailing some of the zones in greater depth (with a connection map) after I create the preliminary gameplay map to ensure some of the most basic gameplay functionality is there. I was thinking primarily smaller scale fantasy, with some hiding around, like the succubus shop, and "rumors" of a tentacle monster. I'm planning on keeping the super science stuff limited to one specific corporation and maybe one unaffiliated genius. Then again I will easily change my stance on fantasy and scifi stuff if there's a cool idea floating around.

    Damn, I even proofread it. Thanks for pointing out the mistakes. My spell checker is currently set to my native language.

    I agree that 'Country Life Survival' is too aggressive on it's survival focus. A bit off topic, but the backyard fishing pond trivializes the survival aspect in that game. As for my game I intend on having a 3 meal structure. If you miss a meal your energy will get a -1 point soft cap. If you eat 3 meals, drink and sleep during the night then you will be eligible to a chance to recover hp & energy soft caps. The quality of the food increases the chance to naturally recover.

    I want to divide time into morning, afternoon, evening and night being optional at the expense of sleep. If you've played any of the 'Way of The Samurai' games (specifically the 4th one), then you should be on the same page on how I plan on timing events. Time stands still if you do not trigger any main events.
    I might scrap this idea if it becomes evident that people end up not seing some of the content.

    Sandbox Mode:
    I'm honestly not sure what I want for this. Maybe I'll do something like 'Sengoku Rance' where the player earns points to buy some toggleable "cheats" and goodies for their next game. Also I see you're worried about the survival element. Maybe the succubus can give you the feeling of being full from getting your stomach pumped with cum, granting you a permanent "eats less" buff. A harem/turboslut route could possibly be a way of stringing all the event's together after completing the game once. A gallery mode should be easy enough to implement, but it's a pretty low priority.

    As always, thank you for the comments.

    1. Editing
      There are probably some more mistakes, I just pointed out the ones I noticed when skimming.
      >My spell checker is currently set to my native language.
      Fair enough. Actually if your language is widespread enough you could do a dual language release. At the very least having support for multiple languages (Well, just properly loading displayed text from external files is all that's needed) means if it got popular enough fans may translate it to other languages.

      How is health going to factor in? Makes me imagine the generic RPG Maker combat sections that have no plot relevance and exist only to extend playtime.
      >Also I see you're worried about the survival element.
      Well I think it's fair to say most gamers are probably fed up with survival mechanics being tacked on to games, due to the flood of [mostly bad] survival games on Steam from over the past year or so.

    2. Editing:
      >External Files
      Good idea. I'm Currently not using a modular system for the purpose of speed and control, but I can easily see myself changing over when the game gets bigger.

      I thought of using HP as a deterrent, to keep the player from escalating certain situations. If you've played 'Dungeons & Prisoners' and used the bite option, then you know that it escalates the situation and that they start going for your HP instead. It also ties into the survival stuff, and I want the player to look at it as a limited resource to use.

      >Survival element
      I know how you feel. I'm trying to design it more around resource management complementing the rest of the game and it's immersion. I want to give the player reasons to go and take on weirder odd jobs, or to smooch with a classmate in order to crash on their "couch". Even something as simple as giving a reason for going to a restaurant to eat and trigger events there. I think feedback will be key For this system's success.
