*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's been done:
I've finished up the prologue house, and filled the bedroom with misc custom made furniture. The exterior of the house has also been finished and textured. This is used as a background prop for the park. I've also added some stuff to make the park better to look at. New TPS camera and some background changes. Other than that nothing much has changed mechanically since the last update, had to axe those additions for now sadly.
- Prologue house has a proper mesh for its interior now.
- Prologue house has multiple new custom furniture.
- Park has some vegetation now.
- Park has a new custom BgHouse created for filling the background.
- The game now tracks if you've seen the customization tutorial.
- TPS camera has changed so you can look around without turning. The character will move in regards to camera facing. You can also adjust zoom with the scroll wheel. This is a very glitchy cam for now, my proper cam code shat itself. please ignore, stutter, no smoothing, clipping, other oddities.
Those that I've mentioned before under this heading, is still relevant. I still got to finish the outside school model, but I'm more inclined to do some gameplay stuff now. Dealing with the bloat is also on the TODO list.
Side News:
Due to changes in Patreons Policies I will now have to make any post containing nudity or the like into patreons only posts. This is supposedly part of users "opting in" to see those images. I personally find it a somewhat absurd requirement given that the page itself is set under the adult content category. Either way, those posts will be crossposted to the blog.
Thank you for finally changing from tank controls.
- Title image gets edges cut off in Unity's config box
- You can display you're on studio logo along with Unity's to make it seem slightly more professional
- Main menu title image should be updated
- Walk speed is a little too fast for a tight indoor environment like the house, maybe have key that slows it down
- Lock cursor to window (I'm playing windowed so it's troublesome)
- Skip mode (hold key or toggle)
- Consider making Rika's default eye color something other than grey
Customization Camera
- Focus on thing being customized
- Button to reset it back to default position
- AND/OR set of buttons that set camera to various positions (head, upper body, full body, full body behind etc)
- Humorous that you put a light switch in the bedroom yet forgot the lighting fixture itself
- Window glass is opaque
- Ceiling is missing some colliders (jump on desk or the cupboard next to it then jump again). May want some colliders to prevent player jumping on furniture in the first place, could even consider outright preventing jumping while indoors
- Small bookshelf near door is non-solid
- Can run & jump up the steep slopes then move around outside park
- For the placeholder repeated houses, tinting the wall color will at least add some variation
- Soccer ball but no goal? Can't even kick it into the tent
- Show time period on HUD (Maybe just a symbol)
- HUD popup/announcement when time period changes (Partly so player knows they need to eat, though triggered character dialogue/thought bubble could help)
- Any action that progresses time should explicitly state that and how much time they'll take
- Went to school, instantly fell through floor (Unsure of cause, can't reproduce)
Lost my original reply, so here I go again.
>Title Image
-I need to make a logo first for that..
>Main menu Image
-Simply forgot
>Walk speed
-I will likely tweak this a lot. I do like the button suggestion.
>Lock cursor
-I had this on the other script, I forgot to port it.
>Skip Mode
-I will probably add this when I add in the typewriter effect together with making the dialogue system modular.
>Eye Colour
-I forgot, then again in general grey eyed default chan's in games are both a tradition and a fetish.
Customization Camera
-This should be already in, unless I disabled it by accident.
>Reset button
-Yeah that would be nice.
>Buttons that set focus.
-If things weren't disabled then this should happen automatically when pressing the buttons in the top left. But I do like the idea of dedicated buttons.
-HAH! The mind is a weird thing.
>Opaque Glass
-This is currently on purpose since there is nothing interesting out there. The same is true with the classroom.
-I will look into this.
>Small Bookshelf
-Oh, I disabled it's colliders while implementing the new camera, since it would "push" it away. I must have forgot to re-enable it.
-That shouldn't be possible, I've even added everyone's favorite invisible walls. Must be something funny going on with the player's collider.
-I made the wall textures white specifically for that. I decided against it since I wanted to batch the houses together for performance reasons, and the fact that didn't bother making LODs for them. If you have a decent FPS over 60 then I will change the colour on a few for the next release.
-I personally use two trees, or between the vending machines when I want to feel like a real MLG player.
>Time period
-Already being worked on. It will likely just be symbols, or something like the old digimon world game for the ps1 https://r.mprd.se/media/images/36777-Digimon_World_[U]-2.jpg except more compact like a compass bar.
>HUD popup
-Yeah I was planning on a simple "+XX Minutes" popup you see in clicker games on top of the time UI. Or maybe the whole MMO XP thing where it comes over your character.
>Time tooltips
-I fully agree.
-If I were to guess, you probably went below Y:0 somehow before going to school or you spawned in before the classroom did and managed to "fall" a bit before the floor could catch you properly. Either way this is mostly due to the fact that the current framework is a very simple load scene->Move character to coordinates setup. A proper scene change would have a nice loading screen and freeze physics while it was computing.
DeleteWell one minor thing you can do is simply change the splash screen's BG color, just something that matches theme UI theme better rather then the default.
It is definitely doable. Stand infront of tent facing it, do a 180 and run to the edge of park. There's a little "corner", walk into it (You'll know you got it as you can move slightly up slope) and hold jump. I think it's a gap between your invisible wall colliders.
Getting a solid 60 fps as usual.
>HUD Popup
I was specifically referring to announcing the change in time period (Morning to Afternoon etc) as I imagine the period will be more important then the exact time. I suppose changing outdoor lighting conditions could make it fairly clear too.
Though the "+XX Minute" would still be helpful.
Found It. That was a rather tight fit. I checked the rest of the walls, and they all cross each other at the courners so there shouldn't be any way of getting out now. Fixed*
Well you're in for some more colours next release then.
>Hud popup
Oh I get you, and yes that is also a good idea. And of course, I do intend on adding some lighting changes to make it easier to distinguish, seems kind of weird running around midnight with the sun shining bright.