Windows 64bit: MEGA (Runs better, older computers can't run it)
Windows 32bit: MEGA (For older computers)
Mac OS: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
Linux: MEGA (Not fully supported*)
*I do not own a Mac or Linux myself so I can't bugtest these.*
What's Been done:
A lot of backend, UI, GameLogic and acting on some of the feedback. A few of the changes have been mentioned before in the "Quick Updates" so I'll try to be brief on those. I haven't done anything special to the Life/Energy UI yet, since the logic is still very WIP.
These will also be explained in game.
- Improved movement (Sprinting, crawling and speeds that change if you are low on energy or life.)
- Life, Energy, Time, Money have all been added to the game, which will be resources for the player to use.
- A basic Meal system, accompanied by functioning snack/drinkmachines.
- Sleeping, which is still WIP.
- Has been improved and upgraded to a newer system.
- Some artwork have been added to make it look prettier.
- Added UI for the new gameplay elements.
- Added lighting and reflection to the prologue.
- Fixed some performance dips.
- Acted on some feedback.
- A lot of minor tweaks here and there.
- Replaced some of the primitives for some actual assets.
- I have been wrestling with Humanoid mecanim, it keeps fucking with my animations, as such the animations in game does not fully represent the original quality.
- You might loose some frames when walking if you sweet spot the camera towards a wall making it spazz, I'll figure out a better way to adjust the camera away from walls in the future.
- The clothes will most likely go through itself or the body slightly, I tried to clean out most of them.
There's a lot that I can start doing like keep working on the current gameplay mechanics and UI to accompany it, or maybe add some AI, or redo the character rig to fix the above issues. Point is, there's a lot to do so I'm not really sure which I'll focus on yet. I'm also getting a bit tired of using placeholder animations, would love to make a staggering walk etc.
Some of this is definitely a repeat of last time, sorry about that to lazy to compare them. Also fuck it, google wins I'll comment as account I'm logged into (instead of Anon).
Camera; should moves to focus on what's being customized (Ex. Close up of head/face when customizing eyes). Also have free camera mode.
Skin Color; Add the default skin color to the presets (It's pretty hard to get a natural looking one). Additionally if color presets were saved to external file (binary or just plain text) then they could be easily shared
Preset Colors; maybe allow assigning names to colors, which shows up on mouseover
Eye Textures;
- Don't need to show extension
- Why are the example eye textures BMPs? It's just a format that never gets used anymore so it's pretty odd. PNG would make more sense and has no issues.
- The default two textures should have proper names instead of numbers ("Dead" & "Standard" would be fine)
- The "Standard" eye texture (1.bmp) seems too dark in my opinion, might be an issue with your shader
- I tried downloading some textures from an AA2 thread, and some would not show up ingame after refreshing. I suggest having a little warning popup/console explaining the issue/s (EX. "Failed to Load 'Blah.png': Wrong Texture Format")
- Also, again from downloaded textures, I found one that after adding a bunch (25 total) some where showing up with a grey thumbnail
- Need key to toggle visibility of the text box
- A set of camera positions you can cycle through (number keys and/or UI buttons) would be nice. Examples for first scene; close up of crotch, close up of face, low angle from between legs looking up showing crotch & face
- Camera can clip through things. Do the raycasting like your doing during "gameplay" section. Alternatively makes things transparent if they block view.
- Typo's in dialogue, Examples;
"Alreay somewhat into it she soothed..."
"...takes a seat in the sofa." (Funny because the positioning makes it seem he's sitting in the arm rest)
Also noticed some random words being capitalized
- Don't agree with the several lines in dialogue box appearing progressively each click, just shows 1/2 sentences. Also means you can reduce height of the box so it covers less of the view
- I'm not sure you should be mixing dialogue with narration.
- Dialogue needs auto mode, with options to alter speed (Some people will want things hands free)
- Dialogue history; like most VNs, would cover screen with UI that shows previous lines of dialogue
- The H-scene camera control hints partially covered up the corner of the "end of prologue message"
- "Scene End..." having to click multiple times isn't obvious at first. Just have it as "Scene End (Click to continue)"
>Your HTML cannot be accepted: Must be at most 4,096 characters
[Episode 2]
Assuming you plan to use this kind of opening, suddenly agreeing to handjob seems a bit much (even if it's optional). I know it's cliche but maybe a questionable bikini photoshoot would be a more reasonable opening debt scene. It could completely follow the cliche with it being done multiple times and getting more erotic each time till it's straight up AV production.
- Main Menu Title card; fix the aliasing. Embossed text + noise/roughness/"texture" doesn't look good.
- Player Room; Adding a simple striped wallpaper & skirting board (can just be texture) will make walls less plain
- Screenshot key; so I dont need to manually crop a printscreen (I'm running it windowed)
- Key to skip H-Scene/dialogue section
- Temp fix for clipping skirt; no-skirt, spats instead
- Sound, any sounds would be nice
- Have a save file which can ideally be imported from one version to the next
Example Contents; boolean flag for hint popups (texture tutorial), and customization choices
- Cheats/Debugging features for the player
Ex. skip to park button
- Is the patreon button on the dialogue box really necessary?
- I should have said this before, but the patron link on blog doesn't stand out enough, maybe have the patreon logo image (THE OLD ONE, not the new one that looks like shitty modern art and that no-one can identify) with current text below it (both being hyperlinks)
P.S. Sorry about shitty inconsistent formatting, again I find myself wishing there was a proper comment editor, since reformatting this shit from my text file is a real pain. The preview being so compact also means I can't really tell how the formatting will look.
P.P.S. Great, it won't even let me edit my comments after using an account. Formatting issues & typo's will remain.
Delete-Adding camera movement is on the to do list.
-Skin colour preset, Sorry I thought I did, my bad. The exporting sounds like a cool idea, I'll look into it.
-Preset colour names, Not sure how much this would help, I'll try to remember it, but it's pretty low priority.
Eye Textures:
-File Extension name, I kept it in for ease of use, since you can have two different files with the same name, but different file extension.
-I use example BMPs mainly as a selling point for the AA2 (artificial academy 2) crowd, since all of their stuff is in bmp files and I want them to simply be able to drag and drop it.
-Names are like that for now, until I decide on a type of indexing that will be uniform for all clients. Unless of course I scrap the "share your character" concept I had in mind.
-I'm aware, it probably won't be in the next build.
-The textures that don't show up but should work (png, bmp, jpg) still work funny enough, it's just the preview image that doesn't work so try pressing the button, not sure why, but I believe it might be the (8,16,32)bit type it was saved as. I'll add some error messages for other filetypes.
-Grey thumbnail see above.
-Visibility key, totally forgot, and it's easy to do.
-Camera presets, Should be doable.
-Camera Collision, Hah, looking at that script pains me, as it is using actual collisions to check. I was planning to redo that script for something snappier, so I'll make it work during H-scenes when I've done that.
-Text, Thanks for pointing out the typos, I'll check for more ofc. As for typing style, I finished playing Euphoria before writing the text at the time, so the multiple clicks, scene end... and all the oddities came from that. Backlog and skip is planned.
-H-scene Camera Controls, I'm blind, fixed.
-As a necessary evil the BJ is there mainly to show off and attract interest in the game. I agree with your point.
-Title card, will do.
-Wallpaper, living in a clinical and empty white room tends to make you forget these things.
-Screenshot key, should be easy enough.
-Skip H-scene/dialogue, as in the whole thing? Or just the text while being able to trigger the animations?
-Spats are the best, ideally with a skirt. Jokes aside, I could up the polys in the skirt for better physics... probably. There are colliders for the butt and thighs, so I assume you're talking about the erratic self clipping?
-Sound, I got a pretty big sound library from before. For now I just don't want to bloat the project. It's a shit Excuse I know.
-Save file, Working on it, biggest hurdle will be the customization.
-Debugging features, On it, there's some stuff already in the park, I'll add a skip to park function, since I also want that for myself.
-Patreon button, Currently I'm getting 0-10 views on this blog & patreon each day, so yes? All the other corners are taken for other UI, and bottom right is the least important according to UI design.
Website Patreon Button, will look into it.
For now this blogspot is a necessary evil, and I feel your annoyance at the inability to edit comments.
Delete>File Extension name...
But that's an OS thing, in-game it's not needed (basically just looks bad and hurts readability), there's also no real reason for somebody to want two files with same name.
>Camera Collision...
Standard approach is to raycast from the player/camera orbit origin, to camera's desired position, if it hits something place camera at hit point, else put it at desired position. (Though there are a few extra things that can be done to make it nicer, smoothing (lerp to avoid sudden jumps), spherecast instead of ray (deals with uneven surfaces & gaps))
>As a necessary evil the BJ...
Then maybe just give it another story explanation;
- Say it occurs later into the game
- Dream; could open with something really intense (possibly a preview of a future possible scene), then she suddenly wakes up
- Fantasy; in the context of the opening masturbation scene, could just show something and say it's what she's masturbating to
- Triggerable from the park (though you'd need in-game message that clearly states there's H-content there). Park could be used as a place to show WIP animations etc. It would actually be a lot of fun if it was a sandbox that handled like H.H.WORKS. exhibitionism games (expose yourself to NPCs). At least let us go no-pan since from what I've seen when camera clipped through body, it seems you've already done those details.
>Skip H-scene/dialogue, as in the whole thing? Or just the text while being able to trigger the animations?
Both ideally, the skip entire scene would more be for debugging and skipping over content you've seen before.
I understand not wanting to bloat (I also imagine it's quite hard to find quality erotic sound effects), but no sound at all is pretty bad. For the time being you should at least throw in music; an ambient track and a erotic scene one.
>Website Patreon Button
I think this was an official button image and it looks alright though you'll want it at 1/2 res
Some stuff I Forgot
- You still haven't added choosable character name
- Custom texture guide image should mention supported image formats (I know it's listed in readme's changelog, but who'd check there).
- 3rd Person camera should be able to be zoomed in and out a bit.
- Change the default eye color to an actual color, unless you actually want it like that. I tend to view default customization options as the "canon"/developer intended ones. Also might want to make the default "front hair"/bangs color slightly lighter than the rest, so it's obvious at a glance to new players that they can set different hair "part" colors separately.
- Make the readme a formatted pdf, just for readability (Could also throw in fancy control scheme infographics). Custom texture guide could be included in it
- I'm haven't tested with controller, but if you haven't already, include controller input for erotic scenes too (so player can use same input device throughout)
- TANK CONTROLS?! Why? There's a reason literally no game uses this anymore. Mouse horizontal movement should control player rotation (Also should allow moving camera up/down to look up etc). Additionally if I hold a set key and move mouse it should just move camera (Letting me take a good look at char) then it should reset if I move player. Need to be able to strafe
- Hitting crouch key while crouched should make player stand
- Should be possible to rest directly from standing position
- First person camera mode. Especially useful for tight environments like the house.
- Camera can clip through player (crouch and back into a wall), should probably switch to first person in that situation
P.S. If you have any questions about Unity, I may be able to assist you. Though I guess this wouldn't be the best place to do it.
Delete>File Extension
All right, I'll change it.
Thanks for your explaination, but I am already aware of how it works. I did it the way I did because it was faster to set up. I will change it together with the movement at some point.
Good ideas! I'll probably add the ability to expose yourself after working on some AI. Other events will probably be added to complement and test the current systems.
>Skip H-Scenes
I'll add it, should be pretty easy.
I hope you like Kevin Macleod's royalty free stuff for now then. I'll make sure to also add a mute button before the next release.
>Patreon Button
Thank you, I'll see if I can make something nice out of it.
Some stuff I forgot:
>Character name
-I forgot entierly about this, as stated previously this should be easy enough.
>Texture guide image
-I was so sure I did, thanks for pointing that out.
>3rd person camera
Will be done when I revamp it.
>Colour defaults.
Good suggestions
>Readme to pdf
I planned to do something nice for it when things got more final.
>Controller support during H-scene.
Working on it.
>Tank Controls
Ok please hear me out on this one. The original plan was to use tank controls so that you would only need one hand to control movement. I then convinced myself that this would somehow enhance the envisioned feel for the game. After having worked on the movement for this release I quickly realised it was kind of restricting and the game I have envisioned now needs better controls and more of them. So in short, yes I'm going to change the tank controls to something else.
>Crouch key stand
Good suggestion.
>Rest while standing
I was planning different functions for those buttons while standing, also the generic placeholder animations I use have no transition, so going from standing to sitting would probably look a bit funny. Either way I might change my mind on this later.
>First person camera,
Should be doable. I don't wan't it to become it's own thing, so I'll probably force the player to hold a button down for it to work. Adding this to H-scenes on the other hand would probably be good for self inserts.
>Camera clipping.
I was planning on fading the character out whenever you got to see how empty 'poor chan' is on the inside.
I appreciate your gesture, but I should fine when it comes to unity, for now. On the other hand your comments already helps out a lot. Not only does it help improve the game, but it also helps motivation in such a way that when I post an update or release it doesn't feel like I'm tossing this project and all the work behind it into a black hole.
I was thinking of making a discord server further down the line, since it's somewhat anonymous and allows image sharing. For now I'll skip on that idea.